Cleaning up Digital Files

This Month: Heart and Home

This Week: Digital Declutter

“Proper storage is about creating a home for something so that minimal effort is required to find and put it away.” - Geralin Thomas

Digital Declutter

If your digital files are a mess, it’s like your mind’s a cluttered junk drawer.

All the files, folders, and emails pile up until you can’t find anything. It’s stressful and wastes time. And it can even impede your willingness to get things done.

I know sometimes when I have difficulty finding documents on our shared drive at work that I need for a quick task, it usually means that task is going to be put on the back burner until I have the patience to look for it…or ask someone.

Simplifying your digital life brings clarity, saves energy, and makes it easier to stay focused on what matters.

A Tiny Step Forward

Pick one folder on your computer or phone today.

Clear out any files that are outdated or unnecessary. Move the important ones into organized subfolders.

This small step will create space and give you a sense of control.

Got a specific decluttering challenge? Hit reply and let me know!

Yours in Simplicity,



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